RANEPA St. Petersburg students as prizewinners of the International Internet-Olympiad in Sociology


January 27, 2025
RANEPA St. Petersburg students as prizewinners of the International Internet-Olympiad in Sociology

Anastasia Volkova and Elizaveta Gavrilyuk, Bachelor students at the Faculty of Public and Municipal Administration won Silver and Bronze, respectively, showing the high level of knowledge.

The OIIO* in humanities such as History of Russia, Russian Language, Philosophy, Jurisprudence, Sociology, Culturology and Pedagogy started online and after having successfully passed the qualifying stage 1632 students from 92 universities of Russia and the CIS country members competed for prizes in November 2024.

On January 22th, our students-winners were awarded diploma by Dr. Anatoly Likhtin, Dean, and were also congratulated by Almira Muftakhova, Head of Sustainable Urban Development Training Unit, Faculty of Public and Municipal Administration.

We cordially congratulate Anastasia and Elizaveta and wish much success in future!

*OIIO — Open International Internet-Olympiads have been held since 2008 and are the most popular student intellectual competitions not only in Russia but also at the international level.

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