30 miles RusFin

The grant maker is the South-East Finland — Russia cross-border cooperation program. Project number: KS1831

Basic information:

The goal of the project is to develop sea tourism in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, as well as to provide conditions for the successful work of related business, expand cross-border tourist tours and create a favorable atmosphere in the border zone. As part of its implementation, the parties will develop schemes for the development of seaports, green parking areas and fairways, conduct a service and safety audit, train personnel of marinas, organize cross-border maritime events, improved infrastructure of two marinas, and also create a network of cooperation between port and event operators in Finland and Russia.

The project is being implemented within the framework of the cross-border cooperation program to support joint projects under the EU program with funding from the community of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland in the PPP 2014-2020.

Project objectives:

  • development of yachting in the eastern part of the Finnish region in the regional blue economy;
  • development of small and medium-sized businesses related to yachting;
  • development of innovative services and information support for cross-border yacht tourism.

Project partners:

  • St. Petersburg Regional Public Organization Sports Club «Oranienbaum Society of Sailing Amateurs» (SPb ROO SK OOLPS);
  • South-East Finland University of Applied Sciences;
  • Cursor Oy, Kotka-Hamina Regional Development Company.

Project Manager:

Sergey Nikolaevich Kovalev, PhD in Economics, Project Director of the Research Laboratory of REUR