PhD programs

PhD programs

Postgraduate training

Specialist degree graduates are eligible to enroll at PhD programs

During your studies you’ll get an excellent opportunity for an independent research, deep diving in the field of specific interest and rising up your career to the new level

In case a dissertation is defended successfully, a postgraduate is awarded PhD. The next possible level is advanced doctorate  

Master degree graduates are eligible to enroll at PhD programs


  1. Teaching experience
  2. Invaluable research skills
  3. PhD as an advantage on labor market
  4. Research publication in English

Postgraduate training

  • General courses (theory and methodology of research etc.)
  • Specialized courses (according to the chosen PhD program)
  • Pedagogical training courses (psychology and pedagogy in higher education etc.).

Young Scientists Council

The association of undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates and young teachers aimed at strengthening research capacity of young scientists

Faculty advisor

Each PhD student is assigned a Faculty advisor providing scientific advising, assistance in preparing the dissertation and consulting on various issues related to core competences; assignment of a Faculty advisor is based on the specific subjectfocused interest  

Developmental Psychology (in Russian)

Management (in Russian)

World Economy (in Russian)

National History (in Russian)

Political Sociology (in Russian)

Political Institutions, Processes, Technologies (in Russian)

Public Law Sciences (in Russian)

Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes (in Russian)

Sociology of Management (in Russian)