Organizational Support Section

Organizational Support Section

The Section focuses on:

  • Organization and support of international protocol events and visits of RANEPA St. Petersburg administration abroad, preparation of draft orders for business trips abroad
  • Providing monitoring and statistical reporting on international activities of the University and the faculties, implementing international projects and holding events
  • Handling official business correspondence of RANEPA St. Petersburg on issues within the competence of the Department of International Cooperation
  • Interaction with the consular corps and partners of RANEPA St. Petersburg. Maintaining a national holidays calendar, sending of congratulatory letters.

Head of Section – Valeria Silinskaya

Tel: +7 (812) 335 94 94, ext. 7003  

Lead Specialist – Anastasia Antsiferova

Tel: +7 (812) 335 94 94, ext. 7003

Address: 4 Pesochnaya Embankment, office 405