On February 12th, “Chinese New Year or Spring Festival” business breakfast took place at the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry which organized this event together with the Association «Women’s Guild of Entrepreneurs» and St. Petersburg Export Support Center.

RANEPA St. Petersburg students, Faculty of International Relations and Politics, gained a valuable experience by joining the organizing team.

We always support students’ initiative to participate in live business events. This is a great opportunity to establish professional contacts and apply the knowledge gained at the university.
Aleksander Yakovlev, Teacher, Program director of “Tourism” Bachelor-degree program
Such events allow students to learn through the practice how business meetings are organized and what is crucial to consider when working with international partners. This is an excellent chance for young professionals in tourism and hospitality to gain practical skills and apply them further in careers.
Dmitry Burlov, Senior teacher, Program director of “Hotel Management” Bachelor-degree program