The conference “Modern Russia: challenges, prospects, development pathways”


May 12, 2024
RANEPA St. Petersburg students and staff participated in the conference “Modern Russia: challenges, prospects, development pathways”

On 27 April, the international scientific event marked the Parliamentarism Day as well as the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg State University and the 30th Anniversary of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg which was a conference venue.

Participants from the Russian universities as well as universities from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, the Republic of Madagascar, the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Niger, presented their research and took part in the parliamentary debate contest.

“Our students have an incredible opportunity, while learning, to take part in events which take place in such a significant location for our city. The foundation of the Department of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg at the Faculty of Public and Municipal Administration at RANEPA St. Petersburg allows our students to learn from the practical experience of the best professionals in public administration.”

Sergey Parasochkin, Training Dept., RANEPA St. Petersburg Faculty of Public and Municipal Administration
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