The monograph “Strategizing Societal Transformation: Knowledge, Technologies, and Noonomy”


January 16, 2024
The monograph “Strategizing Societal Transformation: Knowledge, Technologies, and Noonomy” goes global!

The book of the renowned scientists Vladimir Kvint and Sergey Bodrunov has been recently translated into Hebrew and published in Israel.

In 2022 the monograph was translated into English and published by the leading international publisher Apple Academic Press in the USA and Canada confirming the high recognition of the Russian strategic and economic science globally.

This book represents the unique strategy concepts (Vladimir Kvint*) and noonomy (Sergey Bodrunov**) have been brought together. The concept of noonomy represents a complex theory of transformation based on technological change and the resulting shifts in social organization.

*Vladimir Kvint

Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Academic advisor of the Faculty of Economics and Finance at RANEPA St. Petersburg, Head of the Department of Economic and Financial Strategy of the Moscow School of Economy at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD in Economics

**Sergey Bodrunov

Director of the Institute for New Industrial Development named after S.Y. Witte, President of the Russian Free Economic Society, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD in Economics

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