Every year RANEPA St. Petersburg holds 4 large-scale scientific events for knowledge sharing and networking
1. INTERNATIONAL NEVSKY FORUM – the flagship event on public administration

- Mission – creating an international discussion platform to address the current issues of the stable development of Russia and the CIS countries
- Goal – to address issues and elaborate practice-oriented proposals for the development of Russia amid new global challenges and a multipolar world formation process
- Over 1300 attendees from 14 countries and 8 universities
23-25 June, 2022 VI Forum «Reforms in Russia: from Peter the Great to present time»
- Mission — promotion of dialogue among public bodies, business community and society, Russian and international academic centers for addressing current issues of public administration in the modern world
- Goal – to identify evidence-based approaches to assess the quality of reforms and elaborate proposals for improving the performance of the Russian management system in the context of global uncertainty
- Over 1000 attendees: politicians, businessmen, young scientists and professionals from 18 countries and 30 universities
24-26 June, 2021 V Forum «Trust and sustainable growth amid uncertainty: new meanings of public administration in the digital age”
- Mission – promotion of dialogue among public bodies, business community and society, Russian and international academic centers for addressing current issues of public administration in the framework of sustainable growth
- Goal – to elaborate evidence-based, practice-oriented approaches and recommendations to improve management efficiency amid digitalization processes and the global crisis caused by the pandemic
- Attendees: politicians, businessmen, young scientists and professionals from 27 countries, in particular Russia, Australia, Brazil, China, Serbia, Finland, Slovakia, India
20-23 June, 2019 IV Forum «Public administration: role of citizens in digital state building»
31 May – 1 June, 2018 III Forum «Public administration: breakthrough technologies in the digitalization era»
19-20 June, 2017 II Forum “Public administration” marked the UNO Public Service Day
15-16 December, 2016 I Forum «Public administration — development driving force or a brake?» marked the 25th Anniversary of RANEPA St. Petersburg

The large-scale event traditionally focused on issues covering the role of women in modern social and political environment, public administration, business and society.
> 6 March 2024, VI International Research Conference “Women’s agenda in the modern world”*
Over 200 attendees from Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan shared experiences and addressed issues regarding the state support of women’s professional development and employment, maternal and child care, large families’ support and activities of social workers.
*Responding to the challenges of time the name of the conference has been changed from «Women in Public Administration» to “Women’s agenda in the modern world”. Civil service and public administration issues remain the focus.
> 3 March, 2023 V International Research Conference
Over 200 attendees from 12 countries including Greece, Serbia, USA, Finland, Norway, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan shared experiences and success stories, discussed gender identity in modern politics, state regulation of demographic processes, fundamental and practical aspects of family support, new forms of employment enabling successful combination of working life and family responsibilities, empowering women in business and involvement in public sector.
> 4 March, 2022 IV International Research Conference
Over 180 attendees from 10 countries shared experiences and discussed issues on the following topics: women in politics, women’s representation in public administration, gender equality in corporate governance, women’ role in sustainable growth, impact of the image of woman in culture, advertising and mass media on social awareness.
> 4-5 May, 2021 III International Research Conference
was aimed at addressing issues related to involvement of women in public administration, ensuring women’ rights, currents trends in female management as well as the COVID-19 impact on gender equality in public administration, St. Petersburg experience in implementing 2017-2022 national strategy of measures in favor of women.
> 21-22 March, 2019 I International Research Conference
joined politicians, leading experts and scientists focusing on gender studies and was aimed at addressing issues of women representation in public administration, role of women in improving efficiency and quality of public administration in Russia and abroad.
> 4-5 March, 2020 II International Research Conference
was aimed at addressing topical gender issues, the “Female manager: psychological aspects of an effective management” supplementary educational program developed at RANEPA St. Petersburg was presented to attendees from 15 countries.
The student event summarizing RANEPA St. Petersburg annual research outcome and combining scientific events of all faculties in one agenda.
3-27 April 2023, XIV Research conference joined 200 students from 35 Russian universities and covered the following topics:
- Innovative approaches in addressing current social issues
- Mass communications in digital era
- Current challenges of public and municipal administration
- National economic security: theory and applied research
- Business analytics: Master program and current career prospects
- Political and social institutions in Russia and worldwide
- Strategic management: modern trends and formats
- Social and psychological approaches to studying trends of modern management
- Current international processes in research of young scientists: theory VS practice
- Economy amid global uncertainty: preconditions and impacts
- Current issues of private and public law through young lawyers’ eyes

The event has been held since 2019 as a convenient platform for the dialogue among the Church, State and Society addressing current issues of Church-State and Church-Society relations.